
The 2-day workshop will be held at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Campus Oefenplein, Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium, Building D. The VUB area is open for public access by pedestrians from the main roads next to it. Check the map below and walk towards the building indicated with the letter D. Buildings D and Q are close to Campus entrance 13 indicated with a red arrow. On campus you will see road direction boards that lead you to Building D.

The meeting room is called "Promotiezaal" (promotionroom). When you enter VUB building D walk up the stairs at your right-hand side. You will see the meeting room to your left-hand side. You first have to register at the registration desk in front of the room. You will receive your name-tag, two VUB lunch-tickets (if you registered for the lunches), a program overview, a map of the VUB area, and your poster-number. Please register timely before 09:00 and always take a seat on time following the workshop program time schedule. The room can only be entered from the front side, so that latecomers can disturb the speakers. The registration desk will be open between 08:00 and 10:00 on 23 & 24 June. If you are late wait until the ongoing talk finishes then enter the room. During the coffee or lunch breaks speak to someone of the LOC wearing a yellow name-tag for your registration.

The meeting room has all facilities and computer projection. Bring your presentation on a USB stick and ask to upload it to the workshop laptop during the coffee and lunch breaks prior to your session. Please do not try to connect your own laptop to the projector yourself. In case you have large movies, computer animations, etc. that you want to show using your laptop please contact the LOC in advance. They will prepare it for you for projection.

You can connect to the Internet on the VUB campus. Make sure your laptop's WiFi is switched on and connects to the "Urbizone" wireless network. Open your browser and point it to . New users first have to register. Click on Registration and then on New User. Choose a Login Name and password (& confirm the password). Also provide your e-mail address at the last line of the form in case you forget your password. Press Save and then Continue in the Urbizone welcome page to connect your laptop to the Internet. In case you forgot your password give your Login Name in the welcome page, click Registration below and choose Lost password? from the pull-down menu. Your Urbizone password will be forwarded to your mailbox. You can connect to the Urbizone network on campus inside and outside the VUB buildings.

Posters and coffee are in the Mandela room of Building Q (1 min. walking from the meeting room at street level). The size of the poster boards is 94 cm (width) by 194 cm (height). You will receive 25 cm of a special tape to mount your poster against the board. Please remove your poster during the afternoon coffee-break of Fri. 24 June, starting from 15:00. The Mandela Room will be unavailable after 16:00.

The lunches are served in the VUB restaurant at a self-service food-court. You can pay with your lunch ticket. You will have to pay for extra dishes and beverages. Vegetarian dishes are also available at the food-court. The restaurant is open from 11:30 to 13:45. Warm meals are only served between these hours. You can still order coffee, tea, soft-drinks, sandwiches, cakes, etc. in the restaurant building after 13:45 with your workshop lunch ticket.

More information about the VUB.

Here is a map of the VUB area:

Portfolio #1

Here is a picture of the entrance to VUB Building D.

Portfolio #2

Here is a picture of the meeting room D.2.01 ('Promotionroom') next to the registration desk:

Portfolio #3

Here is a map of the location of the VUB Restaurant (building R) and the Mandela Room (in building Q) from the meeting room (building D).

Portfolio #4

Here is a picture of the entrance (Mandela Ingang) to the poster room:

Portfolio #5