
The Gaia ESA mission in 2013 will observe a billion stellar objects in the Galaxy and provide spectrophotometric and high-resolution spectra of an unprecedented amount of stars observed with a space-based instrument. The confrontation of these data with theoretical models will drastically advance our understanding of the physics of stellar atmospheres. New stellar populations such as previously unknown emission line stars will be discovered, and fundamental questions such as the basic scenarios of stellar evolution will be addressed with Gaia data. Contemporary theoretical models of high-resolution stellar spectra are however seriously hampered by systematic uncertainties due to inadequate input physics and inaccurate or incomplete atomic data.

The 50-participant GREAT-ESF workshop in Brussels, Belgium, aims to discuss important topics in spectrum synthesis methods and detailed line profile calculations urgently needed for accurate modelling of Gaia spectra. The meeting will bring together scientists and students of the stellar physics communities investigating hot and cool star spectra. The 2-day workshop will address and identify key areas for the improvement of model spectra from various modern spectral synthesis codes required to determine reliable physical parameters of hot and cool stars. The accuracy of basic stellar atmospheric parameters Teff, log g, [Fe/H] obtained from different grids of high-resolution model spectra of hot and cool stars will be discussed to evaluate and enhance the quality of the input physics and atomic data.

The workshop was held 23-24 June at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

Workshop photograph of 23 June 2011 (large)

Portfolio #1

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Campus Oefenplein, Brussels, Belgium, Building D, 23 & 24 June 2011

(c) Royal Observatory of Belgium
Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium
Tel:+32 2 373 02 02 - Fax: +32 2 374 98 22

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